Monday, October 15, 2012

Greetings to you

My greeting,

I bring you greetings in the name of Allah. I know that this message might look unexpected or strange to you but please do accept my sincere apology in advance and treat it with utmost concern.

I'm Mrs.Hassan Al-saeed Haruna,Libyan, and a special Aid/personal adviser to late Dr. Mr.Ghazi Bouzi Zari Abdul who is the coordinator of national leadership council under late leader Colonel Muammar Muhammad Al-Gaddafi who died during last year (2011) civil war/crisis in Libya. May there soul rest in perfect peace.

In the demand for a democratic political reform by the opposition group referred to as Rebel group which late Colonel Muammar Muhammad Al-Gaddafi refused to adhere to as he had ruled the country for 42 years, led to several months of wild destruction of life and properties in Libya, leaving every activities to be closed, nothing is working out any more here now and you can see this issue in world daily news broadcast like CNN, BBC, Asian News, CNBC etc. as top headlines.

Before my boss Dr. Mr.Ghazi Bouzi Zari Abdul death in a deadly bomb blast in his office in April 2011 (last year), there was a huge sum of money which late Colonel Muammar Muhammad Al-Gaddafi allocated to my our council to be used to train and educate leaders to support late Gaddafi regime but the money was not used rather it was kept in a secret place outside Libya.

Because of the problem that happened in my Country Libya, nothing were moving again as business places, Banks, Schools, hospitals and many other institutions were totally out of place due to the serious war that broke out between late Gaddafi forces and rebel forces and looking at the position of things and my stand, I completely had nothing left for me as all my properties and investments had been destroyed by the civil crises (war).

So this is why I write to seek your guidelines and assistance to invest the huge sum of money with you in your country so that it will be a new turning point to me as all I had worked in life had been totally carried away by the destructive war.

I want to assure you that my partnership with you is 100% risk free and without any hitch because no one knows the where about of this money except me because I'm very close to my boss Dr. Mr.Ghazi Bouzi Zari Abdul and all the documents proving the existence of the money were lost by fire when our office is hit by bomb blast that also kill my boss during the civil crises.

My sincere regard to your good family and I wait for your positive interest to this issue on my email but if not interested, please delete this message.

On a serious note, this information must be kept very secret between me and you till we are successful in establishing a good investment with this money.



Is Your E-Mail Address Ok


I have a business proposal that will benefit both of us and this is the reason why I contacted you. if only you're interested and trustful to cooperate with me.

I am a Lawyer and Advocate to Engineer Mark a citizen of your country, he was my client, On the 5th of May, 2002 it was reported to us that my Client, his wife and their daughter were involved in a Local Plane Crash at Kano State, enrooted Abuja (The Capital City) all occupants in the Plane lost their lives, unfortunately on this same flight were other dignitaries like the Sports Minister and a host of others.

Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over Ten years now, I am seeking your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased since you have the same last name so that the proceeds of this account valued at $7million dollars can be paid to you and then you and I can share the money. 60% to me and 40% to you, I have all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any claim we may make. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us seeing this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me by email on < > I want you to contact me for more details on this matter if you are INTERESTED.


Thank you and God bless.

Best regards
Gabriel D. Banigo.

Message From: Edward George


I am contacting you in view of the fact we will be of Great assistance to each other, I will like you to keep this so confidential because it has to do with my whole life. In real scenes, you will feel amazed why you, but please do not turn down the possibility that this might be the one chance that you have to save a soul. like developing according business relationship. I am Mr. Edward George the Auditor General of one of the prime banks here in Ghana, during the course of our auditing, I discovered a floating fund in an account opened in the bank and nobody has operated on this account again, after going through some old files in the records I discovered that the owner of the account died without a [heir] hence the money is floating and if I do not remit this money out urgently it will be forfeited for nothing. The owner of this account is Late Mr. Uwe Gembella, a foreigner, and an industrialist, and no other person knows about this account or any thing concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary and my investigation proved to me as well that Mr. Uwe Gembella until his death was the manager Gembella Diamond Safari [pty]. GH and CEO of Gemballa Automobiletechnik GH. We will start the first transfer with four million [$4, 000,000.00] upon successful transaction without any disappoint from your side, we shall re-apply for the payment of the remaining rest amount to your account. You can go through the website for better and more understanding:

The amount involved is (US$34 MILLION) Thirty Four Million United States Dollars only. I want to first transfer $4,000,000.00 [Four Million United States Dollar] from this money into a safe foreigners account abroad before the rest, but I don't know any foreigner, I am only contacting you as a foreigner because this money can not be approved to a local person here, without valid international foreign passport, but can only be approved to any foreigner with valid international passport or drivers license and foreign A/C because the money is in US dollars and the former owner of the A/C Late Mr. Uwe Gembella is a foreigner too, and the money can only be approved into a foreign A/C. However, we will sign a binding agreement, to bind us together. I am revealing this to you with believe in God that you will never let me down in this business. I want us to meet face to face to build confidence and to sign a binding agreemen that will bind us together before transferring the money to any account of your choice where the fund will be safe. Before we fly to your country for withdrawal sharing and investments, I need your full co-operation to make this work fine, Because the management is ready to approve this payment to any foreigner who has correct information of this account, which I will give to you, upon your positive response and once I am convinced that you are capable and will meet up with instruction of a key bank official who is deeply involved with me in this business. I need your strong assurance that you will ever, never let me down. With my influence and the position of the bank official we can transfer this money to any foreigner's reliable account which you can provide with assurance that this money will be intact pending our physical arrival in your country for sharing. and to build confidence you can come immediately to discuss with me face to face after which I will make this remittance in your presence and three of us will fly to your country at least two days ahead of the money going into the account. I will apply for annual leave to get visa immediately I hear from you that you are ready to act and receive this fund in your account. Let me know if you think you are capable to be part of this great opportunity. You can answer me back at this e-mail address:

I will use my position and influence to obtain all legal approvals for onward transfer of this money to your account with appropriate clearance from the relevant ministries and foreign exchange departments. At the conclusion of this business, you will be given 30% of the total amount, 70% will be for me and key bank official who is deeply involved with me in this business. If you think we can work together contact me through my private email: - (

I look forward to your earliest reply,

Best Regards,
Mr. Edward George



How are you doing hoping all is well with you and your family? We know you might have forgotten about this your outstanding compensation payment due to delay on the delivery up till now. We are here by writing to inform you that your payment file was found in our Office and we discovered that your Compensation payment of $4.5 Million united state dollars have not beet sent to you as it was instructed by The Economic Community of West African States (ECO-WAS)

We are here to inform you that your payment has been converted into ATM Master Card to free it from Expiring,and all the necessary arrangement for your ATM MASTER CARD Payment that is worth $4.5Million United State Dollars has been granted for your payment through Our ATM Card Department Center.

Now Your Master ATM Card is well packaged with every legal documents to convey it having any problem with any Authorities or with your Federal Government therefore we are here by inviting you to our office here in Benin, Office Address,aboku sakuba 276 BP street 4th flower,Benin Republic, to enable us complete the normal formalities and activation process of your ATM CARD and issue the Secret PIN CODE/NUMBER to enable you make withdrawal at any ATM MACHINE worldwide of your choice nearest to you, as soon as it is activated, But if you are unable to come down here in our office in person you will be required to update our ATM Department Center with your contact details as stated below so that they will proceed with the necessary arrangement for the delivery of your ATM MASTER CARD.

1. Your Full name, ________________
2. Your home Address, _____________
3. Your telephone number, ______
4. A copy of your ID, _____________
5. Your age/sex, __________________
6. Your occupation, _______________
7. Your country, __________________

Therefore you should contact OUR ATM CARD PAYMENT DEPARTMENT CENTER Immediately on their below;

TelePhone Number;+22968429976

Try to call him immediately to know when your ATM CARD will be delivered to you.
I am waiting for you to update us as soon as you have received your Master ATM Card.

Thanks and God Bless You.
Yours sincerely
Becky Thamador



Dear Friend:

I am Barrister Williams White. Calling from Nigeria West Africa. I am Barrister Williams White, English speaking Beninoise, Solicitor and Financial Attorney/Consultant. I was moved to contact you based on the present condition of things here.

There is a foreigner who registered with my Legal firm as his personal Attorney and he was a stock broker as well as a one time secret agent in importing oil from overseas for our former Ministers. My client was also a Diamond/Gold Merchant.

So, on 2nd June 2001 my client, Mr. George, made a fixed deposit for US$46,500,000.00(Forty Six Million, Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars Only) with a Bank here in Nigeria, with standing statement/agreement with the bank that all correspondences in respect to the fixed deposit contract must be sent to him through my humble chambers. Upon maturity, the routine notification was sent to me, which I dispatched to his forwarding address as usual without a reply. After a month, I sent a reminder which I received from the bank without any reply again.

Finally, I discovered from my client's contract employee that he died among many others on Sept.11, 2001 Terrorist attack. He died without making any WILL and all attempts to trace his relatives were fruitless. I also discovered that he did not declare any kin or relations in all his official documents, including his fixed deposit contract with the bank. Hence I seek your consent to present you to this bank as the next of kin based on the official letter I just received from his bankers reminding me that BENINOISE LAW states that at the expiration of (12) years the money will be reverted to the ownership of the BENINOISE Government if I do not confirm the next of kin to claim the fund.

Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand in as the next of kin to my deceased client so that the fruits of this old man's labor will not go into the hands of some corrupt government officials. Note that this transaction is simple and risk free because I will provide expert legal services that will guarantee the successful execution of this deal. If you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible through phone,

I shall provide you with more details and how we shall proceed with the claims. I expect you to observe utmost confidentiality and be rest assured that this transaction would be profitable for both of us. And if you are interested contact me through this my private E-mail Address:(

I wait for your urgent reply with your personal telephone number and your full data's, so that we can proceed with the proper documentation of the transfer to your favor through legal processes.

Thanks as I wait for your Honest reply.
Best Regards,

Hon. Barrister Williams White.
Private Email: (

Sunday, October 14, 2012


From The Desk Of:
Chief Pius Anyim Pius.
Secretary To The Federal Government.
Office Of The Presidency
Federal Republic Of Nigeria.


I Chief Pius Anyim Pius The Secretary To The Federal Government , write to notify you and your company that your payment file was among files verified by this honorable committee setup by the Office Of The Presidency to reconcile beneficiaries whose payments have been long over -due, as we make efforts to re-brand the image of this country, to be known as New Nigeria," New Era" before the international community. During the verification it was discovered that most of you were made to spend huge sums of money in various coordinating offices inside and outside this country and at last your payment was not successfully transferred into your various accounts. In this regard the Nigeria office of the Presidency decided to call all funds back and ordered for direct Payment from the Federation Account with Presidential Order REF NUMBER. FGN-BACXX/2012-01,Under this payment "ACT" introduced by the Federal Government, you will receive your payment under Agreement & Affidavit as your payment file was also recommended for payment. On this note, we advise you as a matter of urgency to Contact Dr. Femi Ade, Chairman Debt Reconciliation Committee, Office of the Presidency, Call +234-805-423-8787 OR E-Mail: and reconfirm the bank account of your choice where your funds be transferred into as there is more than one account details in your Payment File bearing different names and country. Our Government therefore use this medium to Apologize for the delay and disappointments that you must have encountered in the past while trying to receive your payment. Make Sure You Pay Your Charges & Levies As Soon As You Receive And Confirm Funds In Your Bank Account. LONG LIVE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA

Yours Sincerely,

Chief Pius Anyim Pius.
Secretary To The Federal Government.
Federal Republic Of Nigeria