Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Serious Thought

Dear Sir/Ma,

After a serious thought, i decided to reach you directly and personally because i do not have anything against you, but your Nigerian partners. I am a Director in charge of Wire Transfer/Telex Section at the central bank of Nigeria, Sometime in the past your Nigerian partners approached me through a friend of mine who works with one of the ministries here and requested that i assist them conclude a money transfer deal,they told me to help program the transfer to you. According to them, they wanted to use this strategy to transfer a huge Amount of United States dollars, the money has been floating in the CBN suspense account since then. we agreed that once i do this, they would give me $USD100,000.00 and give me another $USD100,000.00 when i release the fund to your account. When they saw that i have programmed it and your name has been approved among the list of those to be paid, instead of giving me the agreed deposit of us$100,000.00, they started avoiding me and resorted to threats. I immediately deleted the transfer code of the fund, which is only known to me because of my position, and released other contractors’ fund and inheritance payments without yours. They became angry. When they saw that their threat did not work, they started bribing other officials to get another approval to transfer the money to you without success. i want you to know that i am 100% responsible for the delay and obstructions because of their breach of trust. If you doubt what i have just told you, then consider what has transpired through out your claim process, they continue to ask you to pay money and at the end no result and they still tell you to another fee with any result yet, they are simply wicked. Now if you want us to work together, these are my conditions.

1. I will have 20% of the money because it is only the two of us left for now.
2. You will assist my son to open an account in your country where i will pay in my own share.
3. It will be useless and mere waste of time and money if you continue with any other person, so we will conclude this transaction with utmost
secrecy with the above telephone and email only.
4. You will provide me with your private telephone, mobile and a private email to facilitate easy communication between you and I only. If these conditions are acceptable to you, contact me as soon as possible to let us finalize, so that the funds can be released to your account after due protocols has been observed. But if you are not interested, i advice you to forget the fund and stop wasting your time with your so called partners.

For further response send to my secured private email: address;

Best Regards.
Mr. Tunde Lemo.
Director, Wire Transfer/Telex Dept.
Central Bank Of Nigeria



I am Ian Ridd, a solicitor at law. I am the personal attorney/sole executor to the late Mr. Adams who died in a car accident with his immediate family in East London on the 5Th of November 2007 and Left behind a large deposit of money in a bank here in the UK (15.2 Million Pounds). The finance company contacted me, as his attorney to provide his Next of Kin. I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased since you have the same last name giving you the advantage so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you and then both of us can share the money, 60% to me and 40% to you. Please get back to me on my private email for further details. To facilitate the process of this transaction, urgently forward to me

Your full names,
Telephone and fax numbers,
Marital status,

For privacy and confidentiality reply using my email: I will be expecting to hear from you.

Best regards
Ian Ridd LLP


+44 704 572 0382(Direct Line)
+44-7039-401-159 (Fax)
+44-7039-403-470 (Voice)
+44-7040-903-086 (Voice)


Dear fund beneficiary.

Sequel to your over due contract/inheritance payment.Citibank London Region has received an urgent directives from Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation NNPC/Central Bank Of Nigeria CBN to release your over due contract/inheritance payment into your nominated bank account and debit Nigeria Government Reserve Oil account with us.At this juncture fill attached Citigroup Mandate Form attached to this message and return the filled form back through your email attachment file for due process legality clearance/notarization at the British municipal council by our legal department on your behalf to enable our remittance dept credit your fund into your nominated bank account accordingly and furnish you with your payment slip confirmation/MOT 103 so you can start making withdrawal from your bank account within 24 hour of remittance.Fill Citibank transfer mandate Form attached to this email with Capital Letters as mandated to avoid any mistake,because No staff of Citibank will be held res

Congratulations in we wait your immediate reply.


Dear Accredited Beneficiary,

PO Box 8000
SE11 5EN

Date: october 3rd, 2012
To: Dear Accredited Beneficiary,

We believe this notification meets you in a very good present state of mind and health. This communiqu? serves to bring to your kindest knowledge on the unilateral resolution and Memorandum of Understanding signed with the World Bank Authority and the International Monetary Agencies. The resolution was basically on the fight against internet fraud, corruption among some bank and government officials, and most especially issues of Transfer Supporting Approval; that has been delaying initiating prompt transfer of fund in West Africa countries and United Kingdom. In view of this; series of investigation was been carried out in some of the reported banks and security companies in Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Togo and Ghana and their affiliate centers in Europe, Asia and United Kingdom. On going through this process several outstanding funds such as CONTRACT/INHERTANCE FUNDS, COMPENSATIONS AND WINNIN PAYMENTS was recovered of which yours is among, after a detailed review of your file. I am by this authority, informing you that a first part payment of $900,000.00 USD and additional compensation payment of $50,000.00 USD from government immunity funds, making a total of $950,000.00 USD has been lawfully approved to be paid to you.Kindly confirm receipt of this email on time, and provide us with your information as stated below for recognition and processing of this payment to you:

1) Your Names and residential Address,
2) Cell Phone Contact Number,
3) Present Occupation/Position and any copy of your official identification (if any).

Congratulations in advance!
Yours Faithfully,
Francis Plowden:

Important Information
The information contained within this e-mail was prepared as at 03/10/2012 and believed to be correct and not misleading as at that date, however, it should not be
assumed to be correct at any subsequent date.


19 Esselen Str.,
Sunnypark Mall,
Sunnyside, Pretoria 0002,


I know this letter will come to you as surprise one but I want you to read this with maturity. This day, one Mrs. Cynthia Edward, came to my office to let us know that you are DEAD and before your death, you instructed her to come for the claim of your funds in the tune of US$2 Million that was long abandoned in your name with this bank (FNB BANK PLC). So, this is what we want to verify from you before we make the payment to who came for the claim.

(i) Did you authorize Mrs. Cynthia Edward to come for your claim?
(ii) Are you truly Dead or Alive?

If NO, you are hereby advice as a matter of urgency to confirm your receipt of this message within 24 hours, hence your funds shall be wired into her account without any more delay. Lastly, you are advised to get back to us immediately, with these information Below;

1. Full name:
2. Direct telephone number:
3. Address:
4. Your Bank Details where you want the fund to be transferred:
5. Your personal identification to enable us confirms you are not dead.

The information above must be provided for reconfirmation to Enable us make payment to you. Hence, your funds will be remitted/wire into her account as already provided to this management. We await your urgent response today. You need to act very fast, because if this bank wait for your reply within three working days and did not receive any message from you, you will be consider dead and your funds will be transfer to Mrs. Cynthia Edward. Here is an account provided by Mrs. Cynthia Edward to this bank.

State FL
Zip Code 33610-0000
Acct. name: Mrs. Cynthia Edward.
Type: Checking
Routing #: 322271627
Acct #: 1951204345
Amount: US$2 Million.

Furthermore, this bank discovered that you have been dealing with some bad eggs (officials) who SCAMMED some money from you without doing the right thing, Be advised to STOP further communication with them, your funds is now approved for payment, follow the right procedure now. This message demand urgent attention, the bank is waiting to hear from you. Do call this below direct number.

Mobile Direct Hot Line: (+27730568014 )

Mr. Jim Ovia.
Head of Accounting Operations

To whom It May Concern

To whom It May Concern,

How are you today, I have tried to call you on phone earlier but no response so I send you this mail for a better understanding of all vital points during the conversation.Well we are using this medium to inform you that we have your file in my desk and after going through it,I understood you have spent so much into the transaction without getting your funds.At this point,I have to Introduce myself to you.

I am the funds recovery director of Asset Freezing Unit working with the British Financial Service Authority HM Treasury here in Nigeria. I have been appointed here to help the innocent U.S citizens and other country who has been involved with internet scam by unknown fraudsters from mainly Africa, london, europe, asia and other parts of the world. Thus: I write this mail to inform you that the FSA has mandated this office to process the adequate compensation for the innocent victims. To this effect, I would want you to immediately STOP further communication if you are still in contact with this so called operatives/officials whom instead of assisting have decided to steal from you to enrich their own pocket. A part payment was approved yesterday for all the scam victims in this first quarter of the fiscal year 2012.

Finally, you are required to respond to this email or call our hot line on +234-703-988-0810 as we have made every arrangements in respect of paying out over due payments. Further details will be given upon the receipt of your email.

Yours Sincerely,
Dr.Yerima Lawan Ngama
Asset Freezing Unit